IIA Blog

Information covered in the Illinois Insurance Association blog is intended to provide general information and guidance, and should not be considered legal advice.


Homeowners Insurance Policy Review - Part 2

Jan 26, 2022, 9:53 AM

Homeowners insurance is a package policy that includes coverage for contents and personal liability protection. Be certain your policy provides adequate coverage before a loss occurs. Click on the link for tips to get started.

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Start the Year with a Homeowner Insurance Policy Review - Part 1

Jan 19, 2022, 9:37 AM

Most owners have homeowners insurance to offset financial loss associated with sudden and unexpected damage. It is not uncommon to secure a policy, file the paperwork, and routinely pay renewal premiums. However, maintaining proper coverage is a process that requires regular review. Not evaluating your policy each year could mean coverage limits are inadequate or protection is lacking. Click on the link for insights to help you confirm the dwelling structure is properly covered.

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Do I need water backup coverage?

Jan 5, 2022, 10:25 AM

Heavy rain may result in more water than your sump pump can handle. A sudden downpour, aging infrastructure, or tree roots may cause your sewer or drain line to back up. Excess water can significantly damage walls, flooring, appliances, personal belongings, and more. Homeowners insurance excludes property loss caused by water that backs up through a sewer or drain or overflows the sump pump pit. Protection is available through sewer and drain water backup endorsement. Click on the link to learn more.

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Winter Driving Hazards - Part 2

Dec 22, 2021, 10:20 AM

Unfortunately treacherous driving conditions sometimes lead to vehicle crashes. Take time to confirm your auto insurance policy provides adequate protection for the season ahead. Click on the link below to learn more.

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