A variety of companies offer individual insurance plans. Contact a local health insurance agent for cost and coverage details. Insurers do not provide financial assistance to policyholders.
Get Covered Illinois is the state's health insurance marketplace. Everyone is eligible to sign up during GCI's open enrollment, typically in November. Mid-year sign up is prohibited unless the individual qualifies for 'special open enrollment.' Special open enrollment is linked to life events like getting married, giving birth, adopting a child, or losing coverage due to death, divorce, or unemployment. Pregnancy is not a special enrollment qualifying event. Your girlfriend and baby are, however, eligible to receive health insurance through Get Covered Illinois if they sign up within 60 days of delivery. Financial assistance may be available.
Medicaid provides medical care for low-income pregnant women. Eligible individuals must complete an 'Application for Benefits Eligibility' and are not restricted to an annual enrollment period. The Get Covered Illinois website provides more information and a link to learn more about this option.
Many people receive health benefits through employer-sponsored group plans. Your girlfriend can ask her company's human resource specialist about the next opportunity to sign up for group health coverage. She cannot be added to your company's group plan as employer-sponsored health coverage is typically restricted to workers, spouses, and children.