IIA Blog

Information covered in the Illinois Insurance Association blog is intended to provide general information and guidance, and should not be considered legal advice.


Life insurance for young, single professional with no kids?

Apr 27, 2017, 5:08 AM

Life insurance is for singles as well as married couples and families. However, the decision to secure coverage ultimately depends on your financial picture, health, and post-death wishes. There are a number of situations when it makes sense for young adults without dependents to buy life insurance.

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Will homeowners insurance cover a drone?

Apr 19, 2017, 5:21 AM

More and more individuals are buying drones for personal use, but may not recognize the risk involved in owning one. Drones can crash due to operator error, mechanical defect, or component failure. A crash may destroy the drone, damage nearby property, or cause personal injury. Invasion of privacy is an issue if the drone has a camera onboard. Be sure there is adequate insurance on the drone before taking flight.

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Buy Flood Insurance to Cover Flood-Related Damages!

Apr 12, 2017, 5:57 AM

It takes just a few inches of water to cause significant property damage. People often turn to a homeowners insurance company for help when unexpected property loss occurs. However, homeowners insurance excludes flood damage. Insurance for flooding is available, but must be purchased as a stand-alone policy.

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Prepare for Spring's Severe Weather - Part 2

Apr 5, 2017, 5:04 AM

When severe weather rips through an area there is often widespread property damage. Storm victims often turn to an insurance company for assistance, but appropriate coverage must be in place before damage occurs.

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