IIA Blog

Information covered in the Illinois Insurance Association blog is intended to provide general information and guidance, and should not be considered legal advice.


Personal Property Inventory - Part 2

Jul 27, 2022, 10:54 AM

Homeowners and renters insurance covers personal belongings for specific losses outlined in the policy. A personal property inventory is an invaluable tool if you need to make a contents insurance claim. Click on the link to learn more.

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Why have a personal property inventory? - Part 1

Jul 20, 2022, 10:41 AM

Most people own more personal property than they realize. Are you financially able to replace belongings destroyed by fire, tornado, or other unforeseen disaster? Individuals often buy homeowners or renters insurance to share this financial burden with an insurer. A personal property inventory helps policyholders understand their contents insurance needs. Click on the link to learn more.

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Is there a state program for those unable to get homeowners insurance?

Jul 13, 2022, 10:12 AM

Consider the Illinois FAIR Plan if you cannot get insurance in the traditional homeowners insurance market. While not a state program, the FAIR Plan is a nonprofit association that operates like an insurance company. The Illinois FAIR Plan is funded by insurers that sell basic property coverage in this state. Click on the link to learn more about the Illinois FAIR Plan.

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Can a self-employed person get disability insurance?

Jul 6, 2022, 10:44 AM

Disability insurance covers lost income when an illness or injury prevents you from working. There are two different kinds of disability insurance - short term and long term. Employers often offer both types. Self-employed individuals usually lean toward long term disability coverage due to pricing. Click on the link to learn more about disability insurance.

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