Is there a state homeowners insurance program for those that cannot get coverage?

The FAIR Plan is the market of last resort, but there are still eligibility requirements. For example, you must attempt to obtain coverage from other insurers without success. In addition, the house must be structurally sound and meet basic safety standards. Vacant homes are not eligible for coverage through the FAIR Plan. A representative will inspect your home to confirm it meets FAIR Plan guidelines.

Similar to traditional companies, the Illinois FAIR Plan offers homeowners package policies that insure dwellings, personal property and personal liability. Contact a local homeowners insurance agent to discuss FAIR Plan cost and coverage specifics.

Ask your local agent to identify issues preventing you from getting homeowners insurance from traditional companies. Come up with a plan to address these concerns. Take the highest deductible you can afford. A high deductible lowers the premium and may improve your claim record, but you will pay more out-of-pocket when a loss occurs. Improving your situation will open the door to more options (and lower rates) in the future.