Summer Driving Tips

Keep distractions to a minimum. Distractions cause drivers to lose focus, and contribute to hundreds of accidents each year. The cell phone is a well-documented distraction, but there are many others. Adjusting the radio or sound system, eating, drinking, map technology, reaching for an object, looking at scenery, and talking with passengers are all examples of routine activities that divert the driver's attention. Consider turning off the cell phone ringer to remove the temptation to answer a call or text while driving. Adjust the radio, temperature control, and seat before putting the car in gear. Review the route before leaving home. Plan periodic breaks to eat, check phone messages, etc. when taking lengthy road trips.

Be a defensive driver. Safe driving habits are essential on busy roadways. Follow the posted speed limit; signal turns and lane changes; be aware of nearby vehicles. Be certain all passengers are wearing seatbelts. Make adjustments for road conditions related to traffic, construction, or weather.

Stay alert. Drowsy drivers are slow to react to critical situations. Motorists that are not alert and thinking clearly are more likely to have accidents. Pull off the roadway for a short nap or switch drivers if you find yourself blinking or yawning frequently, nodding off, or unable to recall landmarks.