Lightning Awareness Month - Part 1

Make personal safety top priority when strong storms and lightning are in the area. Take shelter inside a sturdy building. Avoid standing under tall trees or power lines. Get out of the water if you are boating or swimming. Stay away from telephones and small appliances. Do not take a shower or wash dishes during a lightning storm.

There are steps residents can take to reduce lightning-related damages. Possibilities range from unplugging electronic equipment to using surge protectors to installing a lightning protection system. Unplugging your computer or television during a lightning storm is a simple, inexpensive way to protect these expensive electronics from being zapped by lightning. Surge protectors are a good option as well. Plug electronic equipment (computers, television, incoming phonelines, cable or satellite boxes, stereo, smart home devices, etc.) into the UL approved surge protector before plugging the surge protector into the outlet. A lightning protection system that includes lightning roads or air terminals, down conductors and ground wire network offers even more defense.